Continuing the Conversations on Breaking Digital Barriers by Unboxing Empathy and Equity. Webinar Jan 27, 2022, (1 PM., NZT)

Centre for Excellence on Empathy, Equity & Diversity (CEEED): Webinar Series 2

Conversations on  ... role of libraries, archives, and museums (LAM). Full session Video

Welcome: Co-Host: Saima Qutab, University of Auckland Business School

Guest Speaker: Osama Manzar, Digital Empowerment Foundation, India

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Lesley Ann Gardner, University of Auckland Business School. New Zealand.

Chair: Dr. Abdul Hameed Hathiyani, Ansaar Foundation, Toronto

Panelists: Mages Periasamy, National Library Board, Singapore; Phyllis Williams, National Archives of Australia; Manohar Pawar, PhD, Charles Sturt University, NSW, Australia.

Dr. Abdulhamid Hathiyani moderated, a very interesting exchange of ideas that took place between the panelists. highlights; Video recording  of the panel session @ YouTube.

Guest Speech, Osama ManzarDigital divide is a constant challenge for the connected and unconnected society. In order to make empathy-based knowledge society it is important to look at how diversely knowledge and wisdom exist beyond the framework of defined literacy and structured education and ensure that digital ecosystem pervasively include knowledge and wisdom that exist beyond scripts and medium and enrich through cultural diversity. [View full speech @ YouTube]

Keynote Speech,  Prof. Lesley Ann Gardner: My own past and the reluctance of family and friends to support a career in IT. Teaching teachers to use computers and noticing their anxiety when confronted with new technology. Fast forward to the present, where students coming to school have poorer understanding of IT and how to use it that 25 years ago. My team are working with underserved groups in Auckland to assist with the training of seniors and the digitally displaced and disadvantage. The main push I was looking at was digital divide has social, gendered, eco nomic and societal aspects and these need to be addressed to encourage empathy and equity. [Watch speech@ @ YouTube]

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  • Conversations on Breaking Digital Barriers by Unboxing Empathy and Equity. Webinar Jan 5, 2022, (11:30 AM., EST)   [View @ YouTube]
  • CEEED Newsletter 
    • Volume 1, Issue I, Spring 2022 ... details coming soon

  • Bridging the digital divide: Equitable and Empathetic Libraries, Archives and Museums - Webliography

  • New book: Handbook of Research on the Role of Libraries, Archives, and Museums, IGI-Global., c 2022). Edited by Mohamed Taher


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