Conversations on Breaking Digital Barriers by Unboxing Empathy and Equity. Webinar Jan 5, 2022, (11:30 AM., EST)

Centre for Excellence on Empathy, Equity & Diversity (CEEED): Webinar Series1.

Press Release on Book Launch:
The Role of Libraries in Social Justice and Civic Engagement: A Virtual Webinar & Book Launch on Jan 5, 2022 (EST) & Jan 27, 2022 (NZT). The Handbook of Research on the Role of Libraries, Archives, and Museums in Achieving Civic Engagement and Social Justice in Smart Cities explores the imperative need for equal access to essential literacy programs and community-led services. In his book, Dr. Mohammed Taher, Chief Information Officer of the Canadian Multifaith Federation, provides critical insight on the application of tools and techniques to achieve vital civic engagement. Read more  

Conversations on  ... role of libraries, archives, and museums (LAM).  Video

BOOK LAUNCH SPEECH by Leslie Weir, Librarian and Archivist of Canada, Library and Archives Canada. Stephen Abram introduced the Speaker. Stephen Abram is a librarian and principal with Lighthouse Consulting Inc., and former Executive Director of the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries. 

Thank you so much to Mohamed for inviting me to participate in this exciting international event. As Mohamed so eloquently expressed his introduction this handbook takes on the challenge of moving forward to break digital barriers by unboxing empathy and equity. We also need to change our institutions from within and for this reason a collaborative spirit is really essential to achieve changes in attitudes and in practices. [Full speech @ YouTube].

PANEL SESSION: conversations on role of libraries, archives, and museums (LAM) on empathy and equity to reduce digital inequality [Details @ YouTube]. 

MODERATOR: Shalini R. Urs, International School of Information Management. 
PANELISTS: Laura-Edythe Coleman, Drexel University; Brendan FR Edwards, Curator, Rare Books and Special Collections, Queen's University Library; Abigail Phillips, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Anita Coleman, University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign; Sarala Uttangi, Brampton Library; Vanessa Irvin, University of Hawai'i. 

Shalini: What are the actual steps for LAM’s to build this empathy to build equity or inclusiveness?  Panel Discussion @ Youtube

Laura-Edythe: I'm not sure what the steps are to be quite honest; I would say that the pandemic has definitely altered the format. 

Abigail: as far as empathy goes what I’ve heard from I work a lot with library workers so librarians and library staff and clerical staff is a distinct lack of empathy from the public. 

Anita: Empathy begins by acknowledging with respect my presence on the ancestral lands of the Juaneño Band of Mission Indians, Acjachemen Nation  and the Tongva people in southern California, Irvine. Empathy and Equity have come together in my career in these steps: 1) IDEA  - inclusion diversity equity and access - which is explained in the book in the context of smart cities. I love IDEA because it starts with a human value - Inclusion - whose voices are missing and how can we bring them in- is the first step.

Vanessa: libraries archives and museums as these intersectional spaces with one another that we are you know intrinsically connected and related to one another and that this book is like challenging us to really dive into those relationships and build on those relationships in meaningful ways with the pandemic in the context of being you know in COVID I feel that that has given all of us an opportunity to really explore these questions and these ideas in terms of our commonalities for public engagement. 

Shalini: I think we could close this panel discussion saying that together we can bring in that empathy and inclusiveness. So let us start with libraries, museums and archives as the places for empathy and equity perhaps we could make an image the beginning has been made but we could strengthen that.

Related Posts:
  • Continuing the Conversations on Breaking Digital Barriers by Unboxing Empathy and Equity. Webinar Jan 27, 2022, (1 PM., NZT)  [View @ YouTube]
  • CEEED Newsletter 
    • Volume 1, Issue I, Spring 2022 ... details coming soon

  • New book: Handbook of Research on the Role of Libraries, Archives, and Museums, IGI-Global., c 2022). Edited by Mohamed Taher
  • Bridging the digital divide: Equitable and Empathetic Libraries, Archives and Museums - Webliography


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